Chevron is a multinational corporation primarily based in the United States. Chevron is engaged in oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy. As of 2014 Chevron was ranked 3rd on the Fortune 500 listing domestically and 16th on the global Fortune 500 listing of corporations worldwide. Chevron is also one of only two fuel brands to be top tier certified.
En route to becoming a major global player in the energy sector Chevron acquired multiple competitors along the way. This includes UNICAL, Texaco, Pure Oil, and Gulf Energy. We are often contracted to work on sites that were acquired in these mergers, as we facilitate the clean up and repurposing process of the sites around the country.
We're contracted by Chevron across the country at multiple sites. McKillip and Associates acts as a liaison between Chevron and the community surrounding their sites. This includes facilitating community dialog processes or acting as the conduit between Chevron and local municipalities.
Bayer is a multinational chemical, pharmacutical and life science company. Founded in 1863 their first major contribution is the production of Aspirin. While primarily based in Leverkusen Germany they have many operating chemical facilities within the United States.
McKillip and Associates is contracted by Chevron to be their liaison to communities surrounding their currently operating chemical facilities throughout the United States. Acting as a facilitator of community advisory panels, where the company comes together with the community to discuss issues of concern to all involved stakeholders.
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